Put simply, the blood supply to the penis is very narrow, so it doesn’t take much to block it or reduce the blood flow. If or when that happens, similarly, to blowing up a balloon, it simply can’t inflate. So, the sufferer endures a weak erection or possibly no erection at all. This is especially common in men with type2 diabetes. As we’ve stated above, Erectile dysfunction is a huge RED FLAG about a man’s overall health.
However, ProLongevity can help solve the root cause rather than simply treat (aka mask) the symptoms of ED. Not only can you look forward to a better sex life, you can also look forward to 10+ years of Living Healthy for Longer.
Our weight loss, lifestyle, and nutrition programme and coaching give you the lifelong tools you need to regain the life you want. This drug free method allows you to stay healthier for longer. Not only this, but we also help to reverse type-2 diabetes and reduce your risk of life-limiting health problems, including dementia & heart disease. ProLongevity provides expert knowledge, service and personalised for you. Our mission is to help you Live Healthy for Longer.
So next time you consider a purchase of an ED treatment, please consider opting for a FREE, no-obligation exploratory call with our founder Graham Phillips. It might change your life AND your sex life for the better!
Not convinced? Take a look at some of our clients’ success stories, we’re here to help.
Book an appointment with us here: https://bit.ly/3sx28Un