COVID is still looming over us, despite the pandemic slowly moving into recent history. It can be hard to know if there is still risk. In this blog, we will cover who is still vulnerable, is covid still spreading, is the booster jab safe and should we get the booster jab.
TLDR: We all should still be concerned with this virus and maintain a good level of protection. We cannot eliminate this virus, but we can protect ourselves if worried about the serious side effects of COVID-19.
COVID-19 for many of us become a virus like any other. It’s no longer a dark cloud above all our heads that we fear to mention. Medical professionals have fought back the virus by creating vaccines and ways to combat the serious complications. However, this has also made us careless and vulnerable to the easily preventable complications and effects of Covid-19. The elderly and young babies still need to be very careful of this condition which is still life-threatening!
Government guidelines suggest those above 75 should ensure they receive the COVID-19 booster. Otherwise, you could risk nasty side effects of covid including long covid which can be debilitating. Outside of the elderly, young children should be getting the COVID-19 booster as they can also be at greater risk. The minimum age for children receiving the vaccine is 6 months and it’s recommended for children up to 4 years of age.
What about men and women who are fit and healthy?
It’s advised that these people, who do not fall into the listed risk groups above don’t get the booster. Those who have already been vaccinated against COVID-19 and are in good health, do not need to receive a spring booster. In part due to the marginal benefit a booster will have on this group. However, if you have a compromised immune system then you must have a booster jab as this will be your only line of defence against the virus.
According to the United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA). Covid cases are beginning albeit slowly, rise. Thus, it’s important to be cautious. Another pandemic is unlikely; however, you should be prepared in case it does happen. Covid is not widespread in the summer season (though there is still risk). Instead, becoming most active in the winter. As a result, those who are vulnerable should receive the covid booster. This will provide them with protection as the risk steadily increases towards winter.
Another major concern regarding COVID is its potential to mutate and change, we can’t predict the kind of mutation. The possibility is that it becomes more contagious or makes vaccines ineffective. However, limiting the transmission rate through social distancing and maintaining adequate protection through booster jabs. This will help lower the chance of mutation, thus helping keep everyone safe.
Yes! The booster jab is completely safe but can have minor side effects, such as:
These are common symptoms many patients face, however for a complete list of symptoms look on the NHS website:
In rare cases patients with certain allergies can have an allergic reaction to the booster. Discuss any allergies you know of at your appointment so that they be avoided. However, most allergic reactions are mild, rarely patients have severe reactions. If this is a concern by our pharmacist, we will refer you to an allergy specialist who will determine the full extent of the risk.
The booster jab is an effective way to help those vulnerable maintain protection. However, the reason why they need the booster, is due to its effectiveness waning as months pass. Six months is the point, where the vaccines effectiveness starts to dip. Before 6 months it can maintain up to 50% effectiveness in preventing serious health complications. Beyond 6 months it becomes only 30% effective against serious health complications from COVID-19.
Putting some perspective on the booster, those that don’t get vaccinated are well over 50% more likely to have severe side effects from covid. The vaccine has effectively halved the number of hospitalised patients which is a massive accomplishment! However, it emphasises the importance of the booster, that helps many avoid conditions such as long COVID.
In short, that depends, as we briefly mentioned at the beginning of this blog. Those over a certain age are strongly encouraged to get the booster jab (75 years and older). This is due to the protection it offers over those in this group that do not get the booster. Reiterating a point made earlier. Receiving the booster as an elderly person reduces the chance of serious side effects by 50% for the first 6 months. Due to this statistic its highly advised this group to receive the booster.
However, adults below the age of 75 do not need the booster jab. In part because it offers marginal increased protection for healthy adults. In addition, so long as they have received the initial vaccine; their immune systems can effectively fend of the more serious side effects of the virus. Only exception for this are adults with compromised immune systems (like those going through chemotherapy), these people will still need the booster jab.
A final group to consider are young children as we can often be gravely concerned about their wellbeing. Rest assured most children will not need a booster jab. Like adults’ children have strong immune systems, which can often fight the side effects of COVID-19. The covid vaccine only starts to be offered to children at the age of 5 years old. Unless the child has a compromised immune system in which case, they will be offered the booster from the age of 6 months.
After covering those at risk of COVID-19, whether covid is still an issue and looking at the booster’s effectiveness and safety. We hope that your mind’s at ease regarding the COVID-19 spring booster. Even though COVID-19 is still looming over us, thanks to the vaccine, we now live in a much safer world. We’re all aiming to avoid another pandemic and to achieve this we must ensure that our patients are adequately protected though the spring booster service.
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